Common Causes Of Hair Loss.

Kata Kata

Admin | Posted On : 14-01-2023

According to studies, there are around 5,000,000 hair follicles in the human body. Each hair follicle's purpose is to form a hair shaft. Human hair serves a variety of purposes. It shields the skin from external aggressors. It further reacts to outside input and converts this data into neurological impulses, which the brain interprets as sensory experiences. The scalp hair is the only area of the human body that can quickly and purposefully alter one's look.

Every hair on our bodies plays an essential role, although hair from our heads is given much attention compared to other parts of our bodies. The importance we attach to our hair explains why we invest time and money in maintaining our hair by trimming, shaving, curling, dying, straightening, covering, adding supplements, or arranging.

Apart from beauty, our hair carries other cultural and racial connotations. Dermatologists, psychologists and sociologists believe that our hairstyles reflect our sense of identity and how we want others to perceive us. What kind of person you are and how you feel about yourself can be inferred from how healthy and vivid your hair is. Healthy hair symbolises self-assurance and makes you appear more appealing to others.

Hardly would one love to lose their hair; no wonder people do all within their means to care for their hair since it promotes health, hygiene and self-esteem. However, hair loss is a process that can affect any individual, but it is more common among adults than children. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most adults lose 50 to 100 strands daily. Furthermore, researchers revealed that when people wash their hair, they can lose up to 250 strands. The loss does not mean we should not wash our hair; the hair regrows.

Hair loss can occur gradually over many years or suddenly. It could be either transient or permanent, depending on the underlying cause. While some people would instead leave their hair loss unchecked and uncovered, others may disguise it with hats, scarves, makeup, or hairstyles. On the other hand, others decide to use one of the treatments to stop additional hair loss or encourage growth.

Primary causes of hair loss 

One of the leading causes of hair loss is the gradual thinning on top of the head, which is the most typical type of hair loss. In contrast to how women's hair parts usually widen, men's hairline on the forehead frequently starts to retreat. Some individuals also have hair loss in circular or spotty bald areas on the scalp, beard, or brows, and handfuls of hair may fall off when combing or washing. Others may also experience total body hair loss due to medical procedures.


Androgenetic alopecia is a more severe hair loss that typically begins in adolescence and increases with age. It's also known as male or female pattern hair loss, and in most cases, it is inherited from the family's lineage. This hair loss frequently begins around the temples and spreads to the top of the head in men. Females typically notice it initially where their hair is divided, although there is gradual thinning throughout.


Researchers revealed that the surge in estrogen levels during pregnancy could temporarily change hair development cycles. During this time, you'll experience less hair loss than average. After delivering birth, your estrogen levels may restore, resulting in more significant hair loss than you might anticipate. Additionally, it's not unusual for postnatal mothers to observe bald spots or hair thinning. Only a brief hair loss will occur. Your body as a whole will heal, including your hair follicles.


Stress can lead to hair loss. It's a condition known as telogen effluvium or excessive hair shedding caused by stress. When stressed, the hormone cortisol is released, which can disrupt the hair follicle and cause shedding or hair loss. According to Angelo Landriscina, MD, a dermatologist in Washington, DC, shedding happens at least three months after a stressful event. You won't go bald from telogen effluvium; your hair will regrow.

Medical conditions

The American Hair Loss Association notes that many medications used to treat common medical conditions could result in hair loss as a side effect. Blood-thinning pharmaceuticals, oral contraceptives, depression medications, anti-inflammatories, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers are a few drugs that might cause hair thinning. Taken in excess, vitamin A-based drugs known as retinoids can also cause hair loss. Many chemotherapy drugs are known to cause total hair loss as they attempt to eliminate cancer cells.

Hormonal Changes

Higher testosterone levels have been linked to diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which can result in female pattern hair loss. Furthermore, researchers noted that using birth control pills, going through menopause, or stopping them together could result in hair loss in a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2022. That is due to the alteration in the hormonal balance that takes place during those occurrences.


Infections can impact the scalp, causing hair loss. This loss occurs when bacteria, yeast, or fungi proliferate and infiltrate hair follicles. There may be pus lumps, redness, and scaling. The scalp can become itchy or unpleasant. Most scalp infections are treatable with the appropriate antibiotic or antifungal medicine. These infections, if left untreated, can cause lasting scarring.

Nutrients deficiencies

Particular vitamin and mineral deficiencies affecting the hair's growth cycle and cellular turnover may lead to hair loss and reduced growth. Vitamin deficiencies that might cause hair loss include a lack of protein, biotin, zinc, and iron. First, before you turn to over-the-counter supplements to treat any alleged deficiencies, speak with your doctor to see whether you are deficient in specific nutrients.

Extreme Hair Care

Excessive shampooing, blow-drying, using heated styling tools, pulling on the hair and abrasively scratching the scalp can cause hair loss. Relaxers, perms, and hair colours may also facilitate damage-related hair loss.

Other factors linked to hair loss include Alopecia Areata, weight loss, and age.

A certain amount of hair may fall out every day, as usual. It is normal. However, you are advised to see a doctor when losing more than 100 hairs daily, as this could indicate an underlying medical condition. Your dermatologist must first identify the reason behind your hair loss to determine the appropriate treatment. Blood tests and a physical check of your hair and scalp may be part of the medical examination to enable your doctor to offer suitable therapy alternatives. 
